Securing Your Identity Verification Processes with our AI Deepfake Detector

Safeguard against fraudulent activities and protect your user onboarding processes. Stay one step ahead of deepfake attacks with our advanced AI algorithms. Build trust and provide a secure and seamless onboarding experience.

Explore Our Deepfake Detector
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How can our AI Deepfake Detector help?

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Fast & Accurate

Get quick and reliable identification of deepfake content in real-time with our accuracy rate of up to 99% and lightning-fast analysis time of just 1 sec
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Our flexible API integration empowers you to seamlessly customize and integrate our deepfake detection solution into your existing identity verification systems
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Comprehensive Deepfake Detection

Our advanced AI algorithms are designed to detect a wide range of deepfake techniques, including face swaps, lip-syncing, and manipulated audio
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Our advanced AI algorithms checks videos and images for signs of manipulation and provide detailed explanations of any detected deepfakes, allowing you to take appropriate action
Liveness check vs AI deepfake detection

What sets us apart?

Most current digital identity solutions can identify common methods of attack, such as the OBS virtual camera. However, when the attack methods get more advanced, these systems are prone to get fooled. With countless unknown attack methods out there, the chances of deepfakes being mistaken for a real person increases.
DuckDuckGoose offers a solution to this problem, as our software is built to detect the actual fake content itself rather than just how it's being presented. This means we are able to provide a more reliable and effective solution, even when faced with advanced or unknown attack methods.

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“DuckDuckGoose and DataChecker have been a dynamic duo in the fight against deepfake attacks. The integration of DuckDuckGoose's explainable deepfake detection technology has made DataChecker's identity verification process not only more secure but also transparent and trustworthy.”

Joe Bloemendaal
CEO of DataChecker

Get in touch with us today!
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