Prevent deepfake threats with our AI detection software

Detect deepfakes quickly and accurately to safeguard your organization against potential threats. Our AI detection software(s) acts as an additional security layer that provides clear explanations of how it detects digital manipulations, giving you the confidence to trust what you see online.

Trusted by top companies around the world 🀝

Browse our set of Deepfake Detection Solutions

Empower your security with DuckDuckGoose: The forefront of cutting-edge deepfake detection technology for reliable digital identity verification.

This is around 10 lines for our new CTA for DDG 🀝

Award-Winning Deepfake
Detection πŸ†πŸ•΅

Our award-winning deepfake detection software sets the industry standard, innovating tirelessly to ensure maximum reliability. Our technology reflects our dedication to combat digital deception, earning us numerous accolades for its efficacy and inventive features - including:

TU Delft Impact Contest 2020-21
Identity Innovation Award 2022
Women in AI Award 2023
Computable Awards 2023
OUr Numbers

We have impactful numbers πŸ“ˆ

Our latest statistics reveal significant advancements in deepfake detection accuracy, empowering users to distinguish real from fake with unprecedented precision

Deepfake Detection Rate

Industry-leading deepfake detection rate for trusted security

Image Analysis Time

Ultra-fast, under deepfake analysis for swift, reliable results.

False Rejection Rate

To enhance deepfake detection AI's accuracy and innovation

Explainable Results

Ensuring unmatched reliability in deepfake detection

What our clients say πŸ₯°

Discover why leading businesses trust our deepfake detection tools for their cybersecurity needs. Read firsthand testimonials on how our innovative identity verification solutions are safeguarding digital identities.

DuckDuckGoose and DataChecker have been a dynamic duo in the fight against deepfake attacks. The integration of their explainable deepfake detection technology has made DataChecker's identity verification process not only more secure but also transparent and trustworthy.
Deepfakes are becoming more and more accessible and it is only a matter of time before they find their way into politics. The collaboration with DuckDuckGoose allows us to quickly assess a potential deepfake video and act accordingly
"Untitled has saved us thousands of hours of work. We’re able to spin up projects and features faster."
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