We are a team of young engineers who grew up with all the benefits of the internet.
In an era where fake content is on the rise, it is crucial to have a solution to identify them. That's why at DuckDuckGoose, we offer advanced solutions to protect against manipulated videos, images, voices and texts, ensuring that users can still believe what they perceive in the digital environment.
Our range of services provides you a peace of mind knowing that you are protected against the spread of false information and manipulation. From image checks to verifying IDs, our comprehensive solutions empower you to navigate this landscape with confidence.
We believe that knowledge sharing helps to connect, perform better, and become stronger.
We believe that accessible technology helps to promote a more inclusive society that benefits all.
We strive to protect people and organisations from harmcaused by synthetics media.
Duck Duck Goose is a children's game. It is the English name for what we call “zakdoekje leggen” in Dutch.
In this game, a group of players sits in a circle, while another player walks around tapping to each player in turn, calling each a "duck" until finally calling one a "goose", which designates the chosen player as the chaser. The player who identified the “goose” must quickly run away and the "goose" must try to tap him or her. The story is that there is a "goose" hidden between the "ducks". But the "goose" looks like one of the "ducks". It is indeed a matter of catching, or detecting, the "goose".
At our company DuckDuckGoose, it's not about the children involved in the game as "ducks" or a “goose”, but about deepfakes that hide among authentic audiovisual material and are indistinguishable to humans. The duck test, i.e., if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, then it probably is a duck, no longer applies in the case of deepfakes. A goose might look exactly like a duck, but we from DuckDuckGoose can tell the difference.
Our people make the difference